Hong Kong double murder suspect Rurik Jutting fit to stand trial, case adjourned for 8 months

Jutting, in black, arriving at court today (AFP)

Rurik Jutting, the British banker accused of murdering two Indonesian women in Hong Kong, has been judged fit to stand trial after two weeks of psychological examinations. He will not, however, appear in court again until July 6, 2015.

Judge Bina Chainrai confirmed today that the 29-year-old will be charged with the murder of Indonesian woman Sumarti Ningsih, 25, and another woman who has not been named in court in Hong Kong, despite widespread reporting of her identity in the international press (just Google it).

The “unnamed” woman was found in the living room of Jutting’s luxury apartment with cuts to her throat and buttocks, while the second woman was discovered hours later, stuffed into a suitcase on the balcony. She is thought to have been killed some days earlier.

Swift justice will certainly not be the case it seems, as the trial has now been adjourned until July 6 next year as investigators say they have more than 200 items of evidence to process.

Jutting worked as a securities trader at Bank of America Merrill Lynch. He resigned from his job just days before calling the police to his Wan Chai apartment in the early hours of Nov. 1.

Photo: AFP

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